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June 2005

HP researchers join Nobel Prize Laureates at major conference


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HP Senior Fellow R. Stanley Williams and three HP Labs researchers have gathered with past Nobel Laureates and hundreds of other accomplished researchers at the Lindau Nobel Prize Laureates Meeting currently being held (26 June to 1 July 2005) in Lindau, Germany.

The event features 47 laureates in chemistry, medicine and physics and more than 650 researchers from 54 different nations. HP, which is a sponsor of this year's meeting, aims to create a platform for dialogue between the scientific and business communities and to drive research and innovation.

"This is a unique event that provides an opportunity for young researchers to come together with senior scientists," says Walter Stahlecker from HP’s Industry Standards Program Office.

"You can't have progress without research and innovation, and science needs financial backing. That's what makes the Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau an exemplar of efficacious cooperation between the realms of science, business, foundations and government," states Thomas Ellerbeck, member and spokesperson of the Committee for Meetings of Nobel Laureates.

At HP, distinguished scientists like Williams are pioneering achievements in areas ranging from basic science to enterprise computing, imaging and printing and consumer products.

Williams, director of Quantum Science Research at HP Labs, has received numerous scientific honors, including the 2000 Julius Springer Award for Applied Physics and the 2000 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology. The researchers, Wei Wu, Amir Yasseri and Sean Spillane, are all members of the Quantum Science Research group.

The HP Labs team led by Williams has produced a number of important successes in the field of nanoelectronics, such as demonstrating a technology that could replace the need for transistors – the basic building blocks of computers for the last 50 years.

The team has also created a new way to design future nanoelectronic circuits using coding theory, an approach currently being used in certain computer storage and telecommunications applications. This technology could lead to nearly perfect manufacturing yields and equipment a thousand times less expensive than what might be required using future versions of current technologies.

Nobel Laureates in chemistry, physics, and physiology/medicine convene have convened annually since 1951 in Lindau, Germany, to have open and informal meetings with students and young researchers. Traditionally, the meetings rotate by discipline each year; this year's event is multi-disciplinary, focusing equally on chemistry, physics, and medicine/physiology.

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Stan Williams

HP Senior Fellow
Stanley Williams
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