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HP Fellow wins influentional paper award


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Norm Jouppi, a Fellow in HP Labs' Mobile and Media Systems Lab, has won this year's ACM/IEEE Influential Paper Award for work he presented at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture in 1990.

His 1990 paper introduced the inventions of victim caches and stream buffers -- techniques that can significantly increase the performance of computer cache memory systems at relatively low cost.

A technical report version of the original paper, titled "Improving the Performance of Direct-Mapped Caches by the Additional of a Small Fully-Associative Cache and Prefetch Buffers," and additional materials can found at www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/Compaq-DEC/WRL-TN-14.pdf .

Stream buffers and victim caches were originally developed for the BIPS project, a die plot of which hangs inside HP Labs. Stream buffers and their derivatives were initially used in Alpha microprocessors and have since become widely used in computer systems today.

Recent examples of microprocessors using stream buffers derivatives include the Intel Pentium 4 and PowerPC microprocessors from IBM. Victim caches, developed with Alan Eustace, were used in the HP PA7100 microprocessor, but have since evolved into two-level exclusive caching, used in the AMD Opteron and various chip-multiprocessor architectures.

Jouppi has also worked with Keith Farkas, also at HP Labs, on enhancements to stream buffers. Stream buffers and victim caches are widely taught in computer architecture courses today.

Jouppi received the award at this year's ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture, the premier conference on computer architecture, on June 7 2005 .


Related links

» Norm Jouppi's bio
» Improving Direct-Mapped Cache Performance by the Addition of a Small Fully-Associative Cache and Prefetch Buffers

Norm Jouppi

HP Fellow Norm Jouppi

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