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What is mscape?

mscape is the code name for a new prototype technology from HP Labs. mscape authoring software and the mscape player enable people to design and play location-based experiences called mediascapes with friends, family and others, anywhere in the world. And www.mscapers.com is THE place for sharing and downloading mediascapes on your GPS-enabled Windows Mobile devices.

Check out the games, guided tours and location-based experiences available today. You might just get ideas about what kind of mediascapes you want to create.  

What are mediascapes?

mediascapes are mobile, location-based experiences that incorporate digital media with the sights, sounds, and textures of the world around you. A mediascape blends digital images, video, audio and interactions with the physical landscape. Games, guided walks, tours, and destinations are among the mediascapes created to date. Download a mediascape onto a portable device, and see how your landscape comes alive as you move through the environment. Now you can discover how mediascapes can enrich your world.

See the mscape concept come to life in this visionary video

We previewed mscape technology at the 2007 3GSM Conference in Barcelona. See us take mscape to the streets of Barcelona.

For educators who want to see how to leverage mscape as part of their curriculum go to the create-a-scape project site, provided by Futurelab, with the support of the DfES and HP Labs.

Technical publications:

Boyd Davis, S., R. Jacobs, M. Watkins, M. Moar, J. Cox, C. Riddoch, K. Cooke, R. Hull and T. Melamed (2005). Ere Be Dragons: an interactive artwork. ACM Multimedia Interactive Art Program 2005 Exhibition. Singapore.

Boyd Davis, S., M. Moar, J. Cox, R. Jacobs, M. Watkins, C. Riddoch, K. Cooke, R. Hull and T. Melamed (2006). Ere be Dragons: Heartfelt Gaming. Mindplay. London Metropolitan University.

Cater, K., R. Hull, K. O’Hara, T. Melamed and B. Clayton (2007). The Potential of Spatialised Audio for Location Based Services on Mobile Devices: Mediascapes. SAMD: Workshop on Spatialised Audio for Mobile Devices at Mobile HCI.

Reid, J. and C. Bevan (2006). Walking the GPS Line: Insights on the Use of Shape Walking as a Game Mechanic. DIME-ARTS 2006. Bangkok.

Reid, J., R. Hull, T. Melamed and B. Clayton (2006). Scape the Hood: A Design Case Study of a Location Based Digital Story Mediascape. DIME-ARTS 2006. Bangkok.

Stenton, S. P., R. Hull, P. M. Goddi, J. E. Reid, B. J. Clayton, T. J. Melamed and S. Wee (2007). "Mediascapes: Context-Aware Multimedia Experiences." IEEE Multimedia 14(3): 98 - 105.

Vogiazou, Y., J. Reid, B. Raijmakers and M. Eisenstadt (2006). A research process for designing ubiquitous social experiences. NordCH 2006. 

O'Hara, K., Kindberg,T., Glancy, M., Baptista, L. Sukumaran, B., Kahana, Gil. Rowbotham, J. (2007) Collecting and sharing location-based content on mobile phones in a zoo visitor experience. In Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 16(1-2), Special Issue on Leisure Technologies, 11-44.

O'Hara, K., Slayden Mitchell, A., Vorbau, A.(2007) Consuming Video on Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of CHI '07, San Jose, CA, USA

O'Hara, K., Kindberg,T., Glancy, M., Baptista, L. Sukumaran, B., Kahana, Gil. Rowbotham, J. (2007) Social Practices in Location-Based Collecting. In Proceedings of CHI '07, San Jose, CA, USA

Vorbau, A., Slayden Mitchell, A. and O'Hara, K.(2007) My iPod is my Pacifier: An Investigation on the Everyday Practices of Mobile Video Consumption. In Proceedings of HotMobile 2007

Cater, K., Hull, R., O’Hara, K., Melamed, T. and Clayton, B. (2007) The Potential of Spatialised Audio for Location Based Services on Mobile Devices: Mediascapes. In Mobile HCI ‘07 Workshop on Spatialised Audio.

O'Hara, K., Black, A. and Lipson, M. (2006) Everyday Practices with Mobile Video Telephony. In Proceedings of CHI '06, Montreal, Canada. 

O'Hara, K., Harper, R., Unger, A., Wilkes, J., Sharpe, B. and Jansen, M. (2005) TxtBoard: from text-to-person to text-to-home. In Proceedings of CHI '05, Portland, OR, USA . 

O'Hara, K., Harper, R., Unger, A., Wilkes, J., Sharpe, B. and Jansen, M. (2005) Text Messaging to the Home with TxtBoard. In Proceedings of HCII '05, Las Vegas, NV, USA .  

O'Hara, K., Lipson, M., Jansen, M., Unger, A., Jeffries, H. and Macer, P. (2004) Jukola: Democratic Music Choice in a Public Space. In Proceedings of DIS 2004, Boston, MA, USA

O'Hara, K., and Perry, M. (2001) Shopping Anytime Anywhere. In Proceedings of CHI '01, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle, WA.

O'Hara, K., Lipson, M., Jansen, M., Unger, A., Jeffries, H. and Macer, P. (2006) Distributing the Process of Music Choice in Public Spaces. In K. O'Hara and B. Brown (Eds), 'Consuming Music Together: Social and Collaborative Aspects of Music Consumption Technologies'. Dordrecht: Springer.

Baurley, Sharon, Erik Geelhoed,Communication-Wear: User Feedback as Part of a Co-Design Process(Field Trial), 2nd International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, 29-30 November 2007, Seoul Korea. Springer an issue of LNCS journal series.

Baurley, Sharon, Erik Geelhoed.‘Communication Wear’ Design and Integration Principles for Smart Objects in conjunction with Ubicomp 2007, Innsbruck, AustriaSeptember 16, 2007 

Baurley, Sharon, Erik Geelhoed, Communication-Wear: User Feedback: User Feedback as part of a Co-Design Process. Presented at THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UNEXPECTED The user and the future of information and communication technologies. A trans-disciplinary conference  organised by COST Action 298, Moscow, Russian Federation 23rd - 25th May 2007

Randell,C., E. Geelhoed, A.Dix & H. Muller. Exploring the Effects of Target Location Size and Position System Accuracy on Location Based Applications. Pervasive Computing Conference 7-10 May, 2006, Dublin. www.pervasive2006.org 

Diepenmaat, Pieter; Geelhoed, Erik, neXus - designing a dedicated mediascape device, HPL-2006-178, http://library.hp.com/techpubs/2006/HPL-2006-178.html

Yanna Vogiazou, Bas Raijmakers, Erik Geelhoed, Jo Reid and Marc Eisenstadt: 'Design for emergence: experiments with a mixed reality urban playground game' Vol 9&10 2005-2006 of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - http://www.personal-ubicomp.com

Blythe M. Reid J., Wright P. and Geelhoed E. (2006) Interdisciplinary Criticism: Analysing The Experience Of Riot! A Location Sensitive Digital Narrative. Behaviour and Information Technology, Volume 25, Number 2, Number 2/March-April 2006, pp. 127-139(13).

Geelhoed, Erik Josephine Reid, Richard Hull and Sharon Baurley. Probing Experiences: Logs, Traces, Self-report and a Sense of Wonder Chapter 5, page 45, In: Probing Experiences: From Academic Research to Commercial Propositions,Philips Research, VOLUME 8, Edited by Frank Toolenaar, Joyce H.D.M. Westerink,Martin Ouwerkerk,Thérèse Overbeek, W. Frank Pasveer and Boris de Ruyter, Springer Verlag: October 2007

C. Fleuriot. Children at the Urban Frontier, a position paper for workshop UbiComp in the Urban Frontier, Ubicomp 2004, Nottingham, UK

E. Geelhoed, L.Barfield, A. De Bruine, R. Hull, H. Jeffries. Augmented Digital Audio Broadcast Home Trial.
HP labs Bristol 2005. HPL-2005-203

K. Cater, C. Fleuriot, R. Hull, J, Reid Location Aware Interactive Applications. In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2005, Conference Abstracts and Applications, ACm, July 2005

A. De Bruine, H. Jeffries, E. Geelhoed, R. Hull & N.Piggott, Augmenting Digital Audio Broadcast with Rich Data. Paper presented at the ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACE 2005 15 - 17 June 2005, Valencia(UPV), Spain.

J, Reid,R. Hull, K. Cater and C. Fleuriot, Magic Moments in Situated Mediascapes. In: ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACE 2005, ACM June 2005

A. De Bruine, H. Jeffries, E. Geelhoed and R. Hull. DAB the gift of the GAP? Augmenting Digital Audio Broadcast with Rich Data, HP labs Bristol 2005. HPL-2005-9, 20050121

J. Reid, E. Geelhoed, R. Hull, , K. Cater and B. Clayton Parallel Worlds: Immersion in Location-based Experiences. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1733- 1736. ACM, April 2005

K. O'Hara, M. Jansen, M. Lipson, A. Unger, H. Jeffries, P. Macer, (In Press) Distributing the Process of Music Choice in Public Spaces. In K. O'Hara and B. Brown (Eds), 'Consuming Music Together: Social and Collaborative Aspects of Music Consumption Technologies'. Dordrecht: Springer

A. De Bruine, E.Geelhoed, H.Jeffries, R.Hull , Augmenting Digital Audio Broadcast with Rich Data, HPlB external technical report: HPL-2005-9, 20050121

K. Facer, R. Joiner, D. Stanton, J. Reid, R. Hull& D. Kirk. Savannah: mobile gaming and learning? Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 20, pp399–409

R. Hull, B. Clayton, T. Melamad. Rapid Authoring of Mediascapes. in UbiComp 2004, The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. 2004. Nottingham, England.

K. O’Hara, M. Lipson, M. Jansen, A. Unger, H. Jeffries, P. Macer, Jukola: Democratic Music Choice in a Public Space Designing Interactive Systems, DIS2004: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

T. Kindberg, A. Sellen, E. Geelhoed. Security and Trust in Mobile Interactions: A Study of Users’ Perceptions and Reasoning. in UbiComp 2004, The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. 2004. Nottingham, England.

J. Reid, M. Lipson, J. Hyams, K. Shaw "Fancy a Schmink?: A novel Networked Game in a Cafe" International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, ACE 2004. 2004 Singapore

S. Benford, D. Rowland, M. Flintham, R. Hull, J. Reid, J. Morrison, K. Facer, B. Clayton. “Savannah”: Designing a Location-Based Game Simulating Lion Behaviour. Submitted to International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, ACE 2004. 2004. Singapore.

J. Nethercott, R. Joiner, R. Hull, J. Reid, Designing educational experiences using ubiquitous and pervasive technology. Computers and Human Behaviour.

K. Facer, D. Stanton, R. Joiner, J. Reid, R. Hull, K. D., Savannah: a mobile gaming experience to support the development of children's understanding of animal behaviour. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.

Reid, J, Hull, R, Melamad, T, Speakman, D Schminky: The design of a café based digital experience:
1AD: First International Conference on Appliance Design 2003, Springboard, 2003

Hull.R and Reid.J (2002). Designing Engaging Experiences with Children and Artists: Funology: From Usability to Enjoyment. Eds. M. A. Blythe, K. Overbeeke, A. F. Monk and P. C. Wright, Kluwer, 2003

Creating Experiences with Wearable Computing: HPL Technical Report, Published as Hull, R., J. Reid and E. N. Geelhoed (2002).

"Delivering Compelling Experiences through Wearable Computing." IEEE Pervasive Computing 1(4): 56-61.Hull, R. Reid, J. & Geelhoed, E. (2003)Experience Design for Pervasive Computing. Appliance Design 1 (2)

O’Hara, K and Perry, M (2003) Understanding user centred opportunities for supporting consumer behaviour through handheld and ubiquitous computing. Accepted for HICCS-36, IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Hull.R and Reid.J (2002). Experience Design for Pervasive Computing: Appliance Design 1 (2), May 2002

Beech,S.L. & Erik N. Geelhoed :User attitudes towards wireless technology: 802.11b Presented at the International Institute of Informatics and Systmics (IIIS) at conference: 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics (SCI 2002) July 14-18th, Orlando, Florida, USA

Morris, W., Facer, K., Fleuriot, C., Reid, J., and Hull, R(2002) Mobile Bristol: A New Sense of Place in P. Ljungstrand and L. E. Holmquist (eds.) Ubicomp2002, Adjunct Proceedings, Gotëborg, Viktoria Inst. 27-29

Reid.J (2001). The Zap Scan Experiment: Hewlett-Packard Laboratories: Bristol, UK (6,866 KB)

Kidd, A. (2001) Technology Experiences : What makes them Compelling?: Hewlett-Packard Laboratories: Bristol, UK (9,884 KB)


















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