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May 1998,
Volume 49, Issue 2


An API for Interfacing Interactive 3D Applications to High-Speed Graphics Hardware
by Kevin T. Lefebvre and John M. Brown
An Overview of the HP OpenGLŪ Software Architecture
by Kevin T. Lefebvre, Robert J. Casey, Michael J. Phelps, Courtney D. Goeltzenleuchter, and Donley B. Hoffman
The DirectModel Toolkit: Meeting the 3D Graphics Needs of Technical Applications
by Brian E. Cripe and Thomas A. Gaskins
An Overview of the VISUALIZE fx Graphics Accelerator Hardware
by Noel D. Scott, Daniel M. Olsen, and Ethan W. Gannett
HP Kayak: A PC Workstation with Advanced Graphics Performance
by Ross A. Cunniff
Concurrent Engineering in OpenGL® Product Development
by Robert J. Casey and L. Leonard Lindstone
Advanced Display Technologies on HP-UX Workstations
by Todd M. Spencer, Paul M. Anderson, and David J. Sweetser
Delivering PCI in HP B-Class and C-Class Workstations: A Case Study in the Challenges of Interfacing with Industry Standards
by Ric L. Lewis, Erin A. Handgen, Nicholas J. Ingegneri, and Glen T. Robinson
Linking Enterprise Business Systems to the Factory Floor
by Kenn S. Jennyc
Knowledge Harvesting, Articulation, and Delivery
by Kemal A. Delic and Dominique Lahaix
A Theoretical Derivation of Relationships between Forecast Errors
by Jerry Z. Shan
Strengthening Software Quality Assurance
by Mutsuhiko Asada and Pong Mang Yan
A Compiler for HP VEE
by Steven Greenbaum and Stanley Jefferson

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