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In This Issue - February 1998 Volume 49 Issue 1

CURRENT ISSUE - February 1998 Volume 49 Issue 1

This issue of the Journal completes the series of articles on wireless communications that we started in the December issue. There are also articles on HP CaLan, a cable system tester, and on the pager testing capability of the HP 8648A signal generator.

So, while this issue embodies continuity, there are also many changes taking place at the Journal. You may have noticed the graphic redesign that we rolled out with the December issue. Our goals are to make the Hewlett-Packard Journal easier to read and more contemporary looking. We're pretty sure we've achieved the second goal, and we hope we've succeeded with the first as well.

Other changes aren't quite as visible. In 1998, the Journal will become a quarterly publication. We'll publish in May, August and November. We're doing this for a couple of reasons. First, we want to devote more time and resources to our online edition of the Journal. If you would like to be notified, via e-mail, about new articles or features appearing at our site, use E-Mail Notification at our website (see URL on next page) to register your e-mail address. We'll do the rest.

The other reason for becoming a quarterly is that we want to spend more time to make the Journal even more reflective of what's going on at HP. The company is changing rapidly - new technologies, new markets, and new businesses are taking shape in every part of the company, and we want to bring our readers the stories of, and behind, HP's many new directions. Finally, there's been a change on the Journal's editorial staff. Dick Dolan has retired after 32 years with HP, including 17 years as editor of the Journal. His high standards and wise stewardship have been crucial to the Journal's long-term success. I'd like to thank Dick for a job very well done. Dick's successor is Steve Siano. Steve has been working for the Kobe (Japan) Instrument Division within HP's Test and Measurement Organization, and he brings a lot of fresh ideas and energy to the staff.

Steve Beitler
Executive Editor

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