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June 1997,
Volume 48, Issue 3


A Lower-Cost Inkjet Printer Based on a New Printing Performance Architecture
by David J. Shelley, James Majewski, Mark R. Thackray, and John L. McWilliams
PPA Printer Software Driver Design
by David M. Hall, Lee W. Jackson, Katrina Heiles, Karen E. Van der Veer, and Thomas J. Halpenny
PPA Printer Firmware Design
by Erik Kilk
PPA Printer Controller ASIC Development
by John L. McWilliams, Leann M. MacMillan, Bimal Pathak, and Harlan A. Talley
Next-Generation Inkjet Printhead Drive Electronics
by Huston W. Rice
The PA 7300LC Microprocessor: A Highly Integrated System on a Chip
by Terry W. Blanchard and Paul G. Tobin
Functional Design of the PA 7300LC
by Leith Johnson and Stephen R. Undy
High-Performance Processor Design Guided by System Costs
by David C. Kubicek, Thomas J. Sullivan, Amitabh Mehra, and John G. McBride
Verifying the Correctness of the PA 7300LC Processor
by Duncan Weir and Paul G. Tobin
An Entry-Level Server with Multiple Performance Points
by Lin A. Nease, Kirk M. Bresniker, Charles J. Zacky, Michael J. Greenside, and Alisa Sandoval
A Low-Cost Workstation with Enhanced Performance and I/O Capabilities
by Scott P. Allan, Bruce P. Bergmann, Ronald P. Dean, Diane Jiang, and Dennis L. Floyd
Testing Safety-Critical Software
by Evangelos Nikolaropoulos
A High-Level Programming Language for Testing Complex Safety-Critical Systems
by Andreas Pirrung
An Automated Test Evaluation Tool
by Jörg Schwering
Effective Testing of Localized Software
by Evangelos Nikolaropoulos, Jörg Schwering, and Andreas Pirrung

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