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August 1997,
Volume 48, Issue 4


Four-Way Superscalar PA-RISC Processors
by Anne P. Scott, Kevin P. Burkhart, Ashok Kumar, Richard M. Blumberg, and Gregory L. Ranson
Design Methodologies and Circuit Design Trade-Offs for the HP PA 8000 Processor
by Paul J. Dorweiler, Floyd E. Moore, D. Douglas Josephson, and Glenn T. Colon-Bonet
Functional Verification of the HP PA 8000 Processor
by Steven T. Mangelsdorf, Raymond P. Gratias, Richard M. Blumberg, and Rohit Bhatia
Electrical Verification of the HP PA 8000 Processor
by John W. Bockhaus, Rohit Bhatia, C. Michael Ramsey, Joseph R. Butler, and David J. Ljung
Solving IC Interconnect Routing for an Advanced PA-RISC Processor
by James C. Fong, Hoi-Kuen Chan, and Martin D. Kruckenberg
Intelligent Networks and the HP OpenCall Technology
by Tarek Dehni, John O’Connell, and Nicolas Raguideau
The HP OpenCall SS7 Platform
by Denis Pierrot and Jean-Pierre Allegre
High Availability in the HP OpenCall SS7 Platform
by Brian Wyld and Jean-Pierre Allegre
A Benchtop Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
by Yoko Kishi
Audit History and Time-Slice Archiving in an Object DBMS for Laboratory Databases
by Timothy P. Loomis
Testing Policing in ATM Networks
by Mohammad Makarechian and Nicholas J. Malcolm
MOSFET Scaling into the Future
by Paul Vande Voorde
Frequency Modulation of System Clocks for EMI Reduction
by Cornelis D. Hoekstra
Fully Synthesizable Microprocessor Core via HDL Porting
by Jim J. Lin
General-Purpose 3V CMOS Operational Amplifier with a New Constant-Transconductance Input Stage
by Derek L. Knee and Charles E. Moore
Improving Heat Transfer from a Flip-Chip Package
by Cullen E. Bash and Richard L. Blanco

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