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October 1996,
Volume 47, Issue 5


A Platform for Building Integrated Telecommunication Network Management Applications
by Prabha G. Chadayammuri
Distributed Processing Environment: A Platform for Distributed Telecommunications Applications
by Frank Leong, Satya P. Mylavarabhata, Trong Nguyen, and Frank Quemada
Alarm Management in Telecommunications Networks
by Sujai Hajela
HP OpenView Event Correlation Services
by Kenneth R. Sheers
A Modeling Toolset for the Analysis and Design of OSI Network Management Objects
by Jacqueline A. Bray
A Toolkit for Developing TMN Manager/Agent Applications
by Lisa A. Speaker
A Software Toolkit for Developing Telecommunications Application Components
by Alasdair D. Cox
Business Process Flow Management and its Application in the Telecommunications Management Network
by Ming-Chien Shan, James W. Davis, Weimin Du, and Qiming Chen
HP OpenView Agent Tester Toolkit
by Paul A. Stoecker
Storage Management Solutions for Distributed Computing Environments
by Reiner Lomb, Kelly A. Emo, and Roy M. Vandoorn
An Introduction to Fibre Channel
by Meryem Primmer
Tachyon: A Gigabit Fibre Channel Protocol Chip
by Judith A. Smith and Meryem Primmer

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