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June 1996,
Volume 47, Issue 3


Reducing Time to Insight in Digital System Integration
by Patrick J. Byrne
Prototype Analyzer Architecture
by Jeffrey E. Roeca
Determining a Best-Fit Measurement Server Implementation for Digital Design Team Solutions
by Gregory J. Peters
A Normalized Data Library for Prototype Analysis
by Mark P. Schnaible
(A Full-Featured Pentium) PCI-Based Notebook Computer
by Timothy F. Myers
A Graphing Calculator for Mathematics and Science Classes
by Ted W. Beers, Diana K. Byrne, James A. Donnelly, Robert W. Jones, and Feng Yuan
Creating HP 38G Aplets
by James A. Donnelly
HP PalmVue: A New Healthcare Information Product
by Edward H. Schmuhl, Allan P. Sherman, and Jon D. Waisnor
Constructing An Application Server
by Jill E. Swenson
Interface Translation for Reuse of Assembly-Language Modules in a Two-Language Environment
by James R. Buffenbarger

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