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April 1996,
Volume 47, Issue 2


A Common Desktop Environment for Platforms Based on the UNIX) Operating System
by Brian E. Cripe, Jon A. Brewster, and Dana E. Laursen
Accessing and Administering Applications in CDE
by Anna Ellendman and William R. Yoder
The CDE Action and Data Typing Services
by Arthur F. Barstow
Migrating HP VUE Desktop Customizations to CDE
by Molly Joy
A Media-Rich Online Help System
by Lori A. Cook, Steven P. Hiebert, and Michael R. Wilson
Managing a Multicompany Software Development Project
by Robert M. Miller
Design and Development of the CDE 1.0 Test Suite
by Kristann L. Orton and Paul R. Ritter
Synlib: The Core of CDE Tests
by Sankar L. Chakrabarti
A Hybrid Power Module for a Mobile Communications Telephone
by Melanie M. Daniels
Automated C-Terminal Protein Sequence Analysis Using the HP G1009A C-Terminal Protein Sequencing System
by Chad G. Miller and Jerome M. Bailey
Measuring Parasitic Capacitance and Inductance Using TDR
by David J. Dascher

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