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October 1995,
Volume 46, Issue 5


HP PE/SolidDesigner: Dynamic Modeling for Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design
by Klaus-Peter Fahlbusch and Thomas D. Roser
User Interaction in HP PE/SolidDesigner
by Berthold Hug, Gerhard J.Walz, and Markus Kuhl
Enhancements in Blending Algorithms
by Stefan Freitag and Karsten Opitz
Open Data Exchange with HP PE/SolidDesigner
by Peter J. Schild, Wolfgang Klemm, Gerhard J. Walz, and Hermann J. Ruess
Providing CAD Object Management Services through a Base Class Library
by Claus Brod and Max R. Kublin
Freeform Surface Modeling
by Michael Metzger and Sabine Eismann
Common Lisp as an Embedded Extension Language
by Jens Kilian and Heinz-Peter Arndt
Boolean Set Operations with Solid Models
by Peter H. Ernst
A Microwave Receiver for Wide-Bandwidth Signals
by Robert J. Armantrout
An IF Module for Wide-Bandwidth Signals
by Robert J. Armantrout, Terrence R. Noe, Christopher E. Stewart, and Leonard M. Weber
The Log Weighted Average for Measuring Printer Throughput
by John J. Cassidy, Jr.

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