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December 1995,
Volume 46, Issue 6


DCE: An Environment for Secure Client/Server Computing
by Michael M. Kong
Adopting DCE Technology for Developing Client/Server Applications
by Paul Lloyd and Samuel D. Horowitz
DCE Directory Services
by Michael M. Kong and David Truong
X/Open Federated Naming
by Elizabeth A. Martin
HP Integrated Login
by Jane B. Marcus, Navaneet Kumar, and Lawrence J. Rose
The DCE Security Service
by Frederic Gittler and Anne C. Hopkins
An Evolution of DCE Authorization Services
by Deborah L. Caswell
An Object-Oriented Application Framework for DCE-Based Systems
by Mihaela C. Gittler, Michael Z. Luo, and Luis M. Maldonado
HP Encina/9000: Middleware for Constructing Transaction Processing Applications
by Pankaj Gupta
Object-Oriented Perspective on Software System Testing in a Distributed Environment
by Mark C. Campbell, David K. Hinds, Ana V. Kapetanakis, David S. Levin, Stephen J. McFarland, David J. Miller, and J. Scott Southworth
A New, Lightweight Fetal Telemetry System
by Andreas Boos, Michelle Houghton Jagger, Gunter W. Paret, and Jurgen W. Hausmann
Zero Bias Detector Diodes for the RF/ID Market
by Rolando R. Buted

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