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August 1995,
Volume 46, Issue 4


Introduction to 100VG-AnyLAN and the IEEE 802.12 Local Area Network Standard
by Alan R. Albrecht and Patricia A. Thaler
Demand Priority Protocol
by Alan R. Albrecht, Michael P. Spratt, Patricia A. Thaler, and Gregory C.A. Watson
Physical Signaling in 100VG-AnyLAN
by Alistair N. Coles, David G. Cunningham, Joseph A. Curcio, Jr., Daniel J. Dove, and Steven G. Methley
Coding in 100VG-AnyLAN
by Simon E.C. Crouch and Jonathan Jedwab
Multimedia Applications and 100VG-AnyLAN
by John R. Grinham and Michael P. Spratt
100VG-AnyLAN 15-Port Hub Design
by Lisa S. Brown
HP AccuPage 2.0: A Toolkit for High-Quality Document Scanning
by Steven L. Webb, Steven G. Henry, Kevin S. Burke, and George Prokop
An 11.8-in Flat Panel Display Monitor
by David J. Hodge, Bradly J. Foster, Steven J. Kommrusch, and Tom J. Searby
Applying an Improved Economic Model to Software Buy-versus-Build Decisions
by Wesley H. Higaki
Benchmark Standards for ASIC Technology Evaluation
by Antonio A. Martinez, Aloke S. Bhandia, and Henry H.W. Lie

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