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April 1995,
Volume 46, Issue 2


A Low-Cost, High-Performance PA-RISC Workstation with Built-In Graphics, Multimedia, and Networking Capabilities
by Roger A. Pearson

The PA 7100LC Microprocessor: A Case Study of IC Design Decisions in a Competitive Environment
by Mick Bass, Patrick Knebel, David W. Quint, and William L. Walker
Design Methodologies for the PA 7100LC Microprocessor
by Mick Bass, Terry W. Blanchard, D. Douglas Josephson, Duncan Weir, and Daniel L. Halperin
An I/O System on a Chip
by Thomas V. Spencer, Frank J. Lettang, Curtis R. McAllister, Anthony L. Riccio, Joseph F. Orth, and Brian K. Arnold
An Integrated Graphics Accelerator for a Low-Cost Multimedia Workstation
by Paul Martin
HP Color Recovery Technology
by Anthony C. Barkans
Real-Time Software MPEG Video Decoder on Multimedia-Enhanced PA 7100LC Processors
by Ruby B. Lee, John P. Beck, Joel Lamb, and Kenneth E. Severson
HP TeleShare: Integrating Telephone Capabilities on a Computer Workstation
by S. Paul Tucker
Product Design of the Model 712 Workstation and External Peripherals
by Arlen L. Roesner
Development of a Low-Cost, High-Performance, Multiuser Business Server System
by Dennis A. Bowers, Gerard M. Enkerlin, and Karen L. Murillo
HP Distributed Smalltalk: A Tool for Developing Distributed Applications
by Eileen Keremitsis and Ian J. Fuller /I>
A Software Solution Broker for Technical Consultants,
by Manny Yousefi, Adel Ghoneimy, and Wulf Rehder
Bugs in Black and White: Imaging IC Logic Levels with Voltage Contrast
by by Jack D. Benzel
Component and System Level Design-for-Testability Features Implemented in a Family of Workstation Products
by Bulent I. Dervisoglu and Michael Ricchetti

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