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February 1994,
Volume 45, Issue 1


High-Quality Color Inkjet Office Printers
by Douglas R. Watson and Hatem E. Mostafa

Laser-Comparable Inkjet Text Printing
by Jaime H. Bohórquez, Brian P. Canfield, Kenneth J. Courian, Frank Drogo, Corrina A.E. Hall, Clayton L. Holstun, Aneesa R. Scandalis, and Michele E. Shepard
High-Quality Inkjet Color Graphics Performance on Plain Paper
by Catherine B. Hunt, Ronald A. Askeland, Leonard Slevin, and Keshava A. Prasad
Polyester Media Development for Inkjet Printers
by Daniel L. Briley
Inkjet Printer Print Quality Enhancement Techniques
by Corinna A.E. Hall, Aneesa R. Scandalis, Damon W. Broder, Shelley I. Moore, Reza Movaghar, W. Wistar Rhoads, and William H. Schwiebert
The Third-Generation HP Thermal InkJet Printhead
by J. Stephen Aden, Jaime H. Bohórquez, Douglas M. Collins, M. Douglas Crook, André García, and Ulrich E. Hess
Development of the HP DeskJet 1200C Print Cartridge Platform
by the Platform Development Team
HP DeskJet 1200C Printer Architecture
by Kevin M. Bockman, Anton Tabar, Erol Erturk, Robert R. Giles, and William H. Schwiebert
Print Cartridge Fixturing and Maintenance in the HP DeskJet 1200C Printer
by Michael T. Dangelo, Reza Movaghar, and Arthur K. Wilson
Media Path for a Small, Low-Cost, Color Thermal Inkjet Printer
by Damon W. Broder, David C. Burney, Shelley I. Moore, and Stephen B. Witte
Automated Assembly and Testing of HP DeskJet 1200C Print Cartridges
by William S. Colburn, Randell A. Agadoni, Michael M. Johnson, Edward Wiesmeier, III, and Glen Oldenburg
Connectivity of the HP DeskJet 1200C Printer
by Anthony D. Parkhurst, Ramchandran Padmanabhan, Steven D. Mueller, and Kirt A. Winter

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