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In This Issue - August 1994 Volume 45 Issue 4

CURRENT ISSUE - August 1994 Volume 45 Issue 4 At first glance the HP 48GX advanced scientific graphing calculator looks exactly like its predecessor the HP 48SX scientific expandable calculator. With the exception of a few changes in the key labels both calculators are physically the same. The big difference is in functionality. In addition to having all the functionality of the HP 48SX, the HP 48GX has more advanced problem solving features, such as polynomial root finding and Fourier transforms, expanded memory capability (up to 4.75M bytes of address space), and seven new plot types including 3D and animation. A major attribute of the HP 48GX is a much improved user interface.

Environmentally friendly, easy to manufacture (i.e., manufacturability), low parts count, and low cost are some of the phrases we hear used today to characterize what an ideal product design should be.

The quality of any transmission system is based on how well it can transmit error-free information from one location to another. In a digital transmission system, the primary metric used to measure this quality is the bit error ratio, or BER. The BER is defined as the number of bits received in error divided by the number of bits transmitted. Although the BER value does convey some important information, it is only a pass/fail parameter and it does not tell the complete story about the quality of a digital transmitter.

Four of the papers in this issue are from the 1993 HP Technical Women's Conference."

  • In supercritical fluid chromatography temperature control is very important. Cooling is critical on the fluid supply end of the system and heating is critical on the separation end.
  • "Increasingly, test software development consumes the majority of the time spent developing manufacturing resources for electrical test processes required for new instrument products.
  • Improving the near-field image quality of the HP 21258A linear phased-array transducer, which is used for vascular ultrasonic imaging, was the main goal for the engineers at HP's Imaging Systems Division.
  • "Most of the software literature that discusses structured analysis and structured design techniques focuses on applying the techniques to the development of new software systems.

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