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April 1994,
Volume 45, Issue 2


Development of a Multimedia Product for HP Workstations
by Gary P. Rose, Jeffery T. Oesterle, Joseph E. Kasper, and Robert J. Hammond

HP MPower: A Collaborative Multimedia Environment
by William R. Yoder
A Graphical User Interface for a Multimedia Environment
by Charles V. Fernandez
HP SharedX: A Tool for Real-Time Collaboration
by Daniel Garfinkel, Bruce C. Welti, and Thomas W. Yip
Imaging Services in a Multimedia Environment
by Andrew Munro and Ahmad H. Shekarabi
A Printing Solution for a Multimedia Environment
by John Mandler
Faxing Documents in HP MPower
by Francis P. Sung and Mark A. Johnson
Audio Support in HP MPower
by Ellen N. Brandt, Thomas G. Fincher, and Monish S. Shah
Video Support in a Multimedia Environment
by Craig S. Richard
Mail Facilities in a Multimedia Environment
by Robert B. Williams, Harry K. Phinney, and Kenneth L. Steege
A Fast and Intuitive Online Help System
by Michael R. Wilson, Lori A. Cook, and Steven P. Hiebert
Developing Online Application Help
by Dex Smith

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