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Probabilistic Model Toolkit (PMT) download


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Installation on Unix

Installation on Windows



UNIX Installation

(1) Create new directory for PMT, e.g.,

mkdir pmt

(2) Extract PMT archive into new directory, e.g.,

cd pmt

gzcat ../pmt.tar.gz | tar xf -

(3) Start MATLAB.

(4) Set up MATLAB's MEX compiler by typing

> mex -setup

from MATLAB prompt. Chose 'gcc compiler option' (if available and supported by your system.) Otherwise, chose 'native compiler'


(5) Change current working directory to 'pmt'

(6) Add PMT paths and compile PMT's MEX functions by typing

> makefile

from MATLAB prompt.


Windows Installation

(1) Create new folder for PMT

(2) Extract PMT archive into new folder

(3) Start MATLAB.

(4) Set up MATLAB's MEX compiler by typing

> mex -setup

from MATLAB prompt.

(5) Change current working directory to 'pmt'

(6) Add PMT paths and compile PMT's MEX functions by typing

> makefile

from MATLAB prompt.




MEX files have been verified to compile under UNIX (SUN, Alpha, SGI + gcc & native compilers) and Microsoft Win95/NT (MS Visual C++ 5.0/6.0).


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