PCI Pamette V1
The HP PCI Pamette is a generic PCI card based on reconfigurable
The PCI Pamette system is comprised of several components:
The core of the hardware is SRAM based FPGAs from
Xilinx. These components can be
infinitely reprogrammed in circuit. Programming time is measured in
tens of milliseconds. The reconfigurable nature of the board makes
it useful for an extremely broad class of applications.
The PCI interface FPGA is loaded with a supplied configuration
that supports efficient PCI master and target operation. The
remaining FPGAs are available for application specific programming.
PCI Pamette software consists of drivers, runtime support and
CAD software pre-compiled for supported platforms, and source of
drivers, runtime support software. Developing bitstreams to be
downloaded into the FPGAs also requires the non-graphical Xilinx
core tools which must be obtained from
PCI Pamette code can be
downloaded here: