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As powerful computers shrink to the pocket, belt and wrist the established computing paradigm become less practical. New user interfaces (UIs) are required to provide an effective and useable interface to the user, and at the system level what made sense on the desktop isn't necessarily good on portable architectures. The Itsy Pocket Computer has been developed at the Compaq Western Research Lab and Systems Research Centre to facilitate research into the issues developing small devices. The goal of the Itsy project is to learn about issues relating to the development of small devices; user interface issues, power management, networking, and the development of applications for small devices. Linux was chosen as the OS because of the rapid start to development it afforded and the need for a flexible extensible software environment. This talk shall discuss what Itsy is and will become, the motivations for developing the Itsy and the completed and current research and development that is taking the Itsy team towards their goals.
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