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The Itsy Pocket Computer and Energy Consumption



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Table of Contents

The Itsy Pocket Computer and Energy Consumption


The Trend

Keys to this Future

Small and Light is not Enough

Helping to Invent the Future


The Itsy Research Platform

Itsy Hardware Versions

Itsy V2 Hardware: Overview

StrongARM SA-1100 Processor

LCD Display


Power Consumption & Monitoring

Packaging: Itsy V2 Motherboard

Packaging: V2 Case

Itsy Software Overview

Itsy Linux Port

Managing Memory Efficiently

The Memory-Based File System

Power Management

Development Environment

Demo Video

Lessons Learned from the Itsy Project



Power-use Profile of an Itsy

What the Profiles Tell Us

Processor Power Usage

LCD Power Usage

Memory Energy Usage

Micro vs. Macro Benchmarks

Java Run-time Environment

Single versus Multiple JVMs

JIT Compilation vs. Interpretation

Controlling Energy Consumption



PPT Slide

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