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Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

April 27, 2000

The Itsy (Version 2) Pocket Computer

Bill Hamburgen
Compaq Computer Corporation, Western Research Laboratory

About the talk:

Itsy is a small, pocket-sized computer based on the fast, low-powered, StrongARM SA-1100 microprocessor. It is designed to be an flexible research platform for projects ranging from OS power management to novel gesture and speech-based user interfaces. The base Itsy hardware provides a flexible interface for adding a custom daughtercard, enabling a wide range of hardware projects such as wireless networking, cameras and alternate displays. Itsy runs Linux and offers several environments including Java, X-Windows, and Squeak (Smalltalk-80). The current version (Itsy V2) runs at 200MHz on a Li-ion battery, and sports a tiny, high-resolution LCD with touchscreen, an audio codec, and expansion up to 160MB of flash and 128 MB of DRAM.

My talk will briefly outline the motivation for the project and describe the current hardware and software. Details will include recent Itsy V2 power consumption measurements, the relationship to Compaq's recently announced iPAQ H3600 handheld product, and a look to the future.


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