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Learn more about research in HP Labs in a series of short video segments featuring some of our team.

Kumar Goswami IT automation overview - Part 1 (6:18)
Kumar Goswami, Ph.D., Department Manager, Utility Infrastructure Management

Overview: Kumar Goswami talks about HP Labs' data center automation research, and explains why automation can lower costs and improve performance.

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IT automation innovation IT automation innovation - Part 2 (3:30)
Kumar Goswami, Ph.D., Department Manager, Utility Infrastructure Management

Innovation: Kumar Goswami talks about how HP Labs is working to bring automation to the desktop.

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Chandrakant Patel Power and Cooling - Overview (1:45)
Chandrakant Patel, Distinguished Technologist, Internet Systems and Storage Lab

Chandrakant Patel, a distinguished technologist at HP Labs, discusses not only the root causes and economic impact of power and cooling in the datacenter, but also how to reduce energy costs by up to 50 percent.

Smart Cooling video Smart Cooling (1:45)
Chandrakant Patel, Distinguished Technologist, Internet Systems and Storage Lab

Chandrakant Patel concludes with explanations of how HP Labs innovations are enabling dynamic provisioning of cooling resources, from the chip core to the cooling tower.

Qian Lin Smart Digital Media (2:10)
Qian Lin, PhD, Imaging Systems Lab

Qian Lin outlines her team's recent work to make it easier to take better photos with HP cameras and discusses current efforts to transform digital storytelling. (Related article: Beyond film: New cameras fix photos without a PC.)

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Susie Wee Mobile Streaming Media (2:23)
Susie Wee, PhD, and John Apostolopoulos, PhD, Mobile and Media Systs Lab

The researchers talk about technologies for securely streaming media in real time to any device, anywhere. In addition, Wee describes a prototype of an environment her team is building that aims to let people in different locations communicate with each other visually as if they are in the same room. (See also Streaming Media Technical Publications.)

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Content Delivery Network Content Delivery Network (1:19)
This narrated animation depicts how HP Labs' transcoding technology improves simultaneous delivery of multimedia content to numerous users on different types of devices

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Richard Taylor Managed Services (1:34)
Richard Taylor, principal scientist, Solutions and Services Research Center

Linking business processes to IT - A team of researchers in HP Labs Bristol (UK) is developing technologies, tools and processes to enable businesses to understand what IT infrastructure they need to meet their actual business process needs. (Read more about the team's model-based analysis research.)

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Stan Williams Molecular Electronics(3:25)
Stan Williams, Senior Fellow, HP; Director, Quantum Science Research group

"Small" science -- Scientists in the Quantum Science Research group are learning more about the universe by studying the very small. They are using molecules, and especially the quantum mechanical properties of molecules, as electronic devices in circuits to perform the types of computing and communications functions in existing intergrated circuits. (Related article: Quantum leap: Reinventing the integrated circuit with molecular-scale electronics.)

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