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Director's message
from Dick Lampman


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Welcome to HP Labs, the central research lab for Hewlett-Packard, providing leadership technologies for HP.

As a technology company, we gain leadership through innovation. Our goal is to create new technologies and intellectual property that enable new products and services, and to develop partnerships with HP's businesses to bring those capabilities to HP's customers.

At HP, central research contributes to strategy, creates advanced technologies to provide leadership in current businesses and explores emerging technologies that will be important for our future. Compaq's research team adds strength, bringing new talent and expertise and a proven record of contribution.

Our technology vision is to dramatically extend the capabilities of enterprises and individuals in a world of networked services. Toward that end, we are focusing on five major fields of interest:

  • platforms and architectures to support an always-on Internet infrastructure;
  • printing, imaging, and other access devices that enable people to access and render the wealth of information available in the networked world;
  • technologies for solutions and services that enable enterprises to create value through their information infrastructure;
  • technologies that enable individual consumers to easily use high-value digital devices that improve their lives;
  • and advanced studies that aim to overcome the limits of information technology as we understand them today.

We invite you to explore this site to learn more about us and the work we are doing in our seven locations around the world. At HP Labs, we believe in the power of technology to change the world.

Dick Lampman

Director's Message

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Richard H. (Dick) Lampman<br>
                    Senior Vice President, Research, HP<br>
                    Director, HP Labs

Richard H. (Dick) Lampman
Senior Vice President, Research, HP
Director, HP Labs

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