Technical Reports
Solution Marketplace for Service Composition and Integration
Motahari-Nezhad, Hamid R.; Li, Jun; Stephenson, Bryan; Graupner, Sven; Singhal, Sharad
HP Laboratories
Keyword(s): Cloud services, Service Composition, Service Integration, Service Adaptation, Solution Marketplace
Abstract: Service composition and integration are well investigated problems in SOA. However, they still remain among the hard SOA challenges for which automated approaches have yet to be developed. These issues are hindering the agile and cost-effective development of service-based business solutions, and the need for addressing them becomes more pressing with the increase in the number of online (cloud) services. We refer to a composition of services that solves a business problem as a (composition) solution. In this position paper, we argue that solution reuse at a large scale can be exploited to address challenges of service composition and integration by harnessing the collective intelligence and labor of various businesses and people present on the Internet. We propose a reference architecture and technical design of a platform for representation, sharing, and search of solutions and also a marketplace which foster the reuse of service composition and integration solutions.
9 Pages
Additional Publication Information: To be published in 3rd International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation, Los Angeles, USA July 2009
External Posting Date: May 6, 2009 [Fulltext]. Approved for External Publication
Internal Posting Date: May 6, 2009 [Fulltext]