Technical Reports
Anti-counterfeiting using Memory SpotsBalinsky, Helen; McDonnell, Edward; Chen, Liqun; Harrison, Keith
HP Laboratories
Keyword(s): RFID, memory spot, anti-counterfeiting, package authentication
Abstract: We propose a new hardware and software solution for anti-counterfeiting that puts product authentication directly into the hands of end-users, enabling them to be confident of the authenticity of a product regardless of the integrity of the distribution chain. This is made possible by a new type of tamper- resistent hardware chips, namely memory spots, which has a unique combination of small size and integrated security features, in conjunction with a novel authentication protocol. In addition, the low cost of these new chips makes our proposed solution even more compelling than possible alternatives. Example applications include pharmaceutical anti- counterfeiting, asset tracking, secure-ID, brand protection and warranty fraud prevention, and we will take pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting as an example to explain our solution. A prototype system has been built to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system.
16 Pages
Additional Publication Information: Accepted for presentation in WISTP '09 Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices, September, 2009, Brussels, Belgium, to appear in proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS series
External Posting Date: August 21, 2009 [Abstract Only]. Approved for External Publication - External Copyright Consideration
Internal Posting Date: August 21, 2009 [Fulltext]