Technical Reports
Authenticating Ubiquitous Services: A Study of Wireless Hotspot Access
Kindberg, Tim; Bevan, Chris; O'Neill, Eamonn; Mitchell, James; Grimmett, Jim; Woodgate, Dawn
HP Laboratories
Keyword(s): Experimentation, Human Factors, Security.
Abstract: This paper concerns the problem of phishing attacks in ubiquitous computing environments. The embedding of ubiquitous services into our everyday environments may make fake services seem plausible but it also enables us to authenticate them with respect to those environments. We propose physical and virtual linkage as two types of authenticating evidence in ubiquitous environments and two protocols based on them. We describe an experiment to test hypotheses concerning user responses to physical and virtual linkage with respect to fake Wi-Fi hotspots. Based on our experience we derive an improved protocol for authenticating spontaneously accessed ubiquitous services.
11 Pages
Additional Publication Information: To be Published and presented at Proceedings Ubicomp 2009, September 2009, Orlando, FL
External Posting Date: August 6, 2009 [Fulltext]. Approved for External Publication
Internal Posting Date: August 6, 2009 [Fulltext]