Technical Reports
Content-Centered Collaboration Spaces in the Cloud
Erickson, John; Spence, Susan; Rhodes, Michael; Banks, David; Rutherford, James; Simpson, Edwin; Belrose, Guillaume; Perry, Russell
HP Laboratories
Keyword(s): cloud computing, collaboration, content management, communities, digital natives
Abstract: In this article we share our vision for a new approach to content-centered collaboration. Emphasizing communication, collaborative work and community, we envision a cloud-based platform that inverts the traditional application-content relationship by placing content rather than applications at the center, enabling users to rapidly build customized solutions around their content items. We believe the future of collaboration will focus on building and sustaining communities around content, tasks and ideas, and we see hosted entities known as content spaces as a means to supporting ecosystems of users and developers around that content. To make this case we review the dominant trends in computing that motivate our exploration of new approaches for content-centered collaboration. We offer insights into how certain core problems for users and organizations are being addressed today. We identify challenges that must be conquered before solutions can be delivered, and we outline next steps for research in the area.
15 Pages
Additional Publication Information: Submitted to IEEE Internet Computing special issue on Cloud Computing
External Posting Date: February 6, 2009 [Abstract Only]. Approved for External Publication - External Copyright Consideration
Internal Posting Date: February 6, 2009 [Fulltext]