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HP Labs Technical Reports

3-D Simulations of Light Propagation in Periodic Liquid Crystal Microstructures

Kriezis, Emmanoil E.; Newton, Christopher J.P.; Spiller, Timothy P.; Elston, Steve J.

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): liquid crystals; displays; bistable nematic devices; optical modelling

Abstract:A composite scheme based on the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD)method and a plane wave expansion method is developed and applied to the optics of periodic Liquid Crystal microstructures. This is used to investigate 3-D light wave propagation in grating induced bistable nematic devices with double periodicity (bi-gratings). Detailed models of realistic devices are analysed with emphasis on two different underlying bi-grating structures: a smooth bi-sinusoidal grating and a square-post array. The influence of the grating featuresize is quantified. Device performance is examined in conjunction with an appropriate compensation layer, and the optimum layer thickness is determined for the different grating geometries. Notes: Emmanoil E. Kriezis & Steve J. Elston, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, U.K.

34 Pages

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