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HP Labs Technical Reports

Automated Engineering of Cooperative Business Processes: The RosettaNet Study Case

Piccinelli, Giacomo; Stammers, Eric

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): process management; RosettaNet; DySCo; composition

Abstract: For more than twenty years, process automation has been successfully used to improve efficiency within companies. The resources involved in the production of goods and services were predominantly internal, and this situation was reflected by process models and execution technologies. With business models now shifting towards a more cooperative approach, process automation needs to absorb the requirements coming from newly engineered business processes. The efficiencies generated by process automation depend substantially on the stability of the process specification. The upfront investment in the engineering of a process is spread over the instances of the process actually executed. Reconciling this type of requirements with the dynamic nature of business-to-business (B2B) relationships was the main objective of the DySCo (Dynamic e-Service Composer) process automation platform developed at HP Labs. The process model in DySCo is based on multi-party orchestration, functional incompleteness, and dynamic service composition. Change is a stable aspect of the model. In this paper, we describe our experience using the DySCo platform for the modelling and implementation of the partner interaction processes (PIPs) proposed by the RosettaNet consortium. Notes: Eric Stammers, Hewlett-Packard E-Process Operation Nine Mile Ride - Pinewood Park RG40 3LL Wokingham (UK)

9 Pages

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