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Buying Images on the Web : the Experience of Magazine Picture Researchers and Editors

Parker, Julie


Keyword(s): web; digital image library; search; images; user studies

Abstract: The sale of images through image libraries is a large and growing industry, and is forecast to become largely web-based by 2002. Magazines, newspapers and other publications which reproduce photographs and artwork often rely quite heavily upon image libraries as sources for these images. Traditionally, magazine staff have telephoned these libraries and discussed their image requirements with library staff. The web- based shop front that image libraries are developing offer customers alternatives to the traditional means of finding images. However, these digital libraries are not popular with magazine staff, who continue to prefer the traditional means of contact. Many sites offer digital images for purchase, but these have not gained widespread acceptance, and analogue copies are still preferred. There are significant technology obstacles that must be overcome before digital libraries become more acceptable to editorial magazine staff. In the short term, digital libraries need to improve their services in other ways to become more attractive to them.

8 Pages

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