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HP Labs Technical Reports

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Safety and Comfort of Eyeglass Displays

Geelhoed, Erik; Falahee, Marie; Latham, Kezzy


Keyword(s): eyeglass displays; user studies; health and safety

Abstract: An eyeglass display features two micro displays and both eyes are presented with the same image. This configuration is safer than virtual reality helmets, which give rise to severe vision problems and nausea. They are also safer than monocular displays, which impair judgement of distance, speed and size. Current eyeglass display products are occluded and are likely to produce vergence lock, a potential health hazard. We suggest that eyeglass displays should allow good peripheral vision and should be used in relatively light environments to counteract vergence lock. Notes: Marie Falahee & Kezzy Latham, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET UK

12 Pages

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