HP Labs Technical Reports

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A Java-based Visual Mining Infrastructure and Applications

Hao, Ming; Dayal, Umesh; Hsu, Meichun; Baker, Jim; D'Eletto, Robert


Keyword(s): visual mining; Java-based; hidden structure and relationship; Knowledge Discovery

Abstract: Many real-world KDD (Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining) applications involve the navigation of large volumes of information on the web, such as, Internet resources, hot topics, and telecom phone switches. Quite often users feel lost, confused, and overwhelmed with displays that contain too much information. This paper discusses a new content-driven visual mining infrastructure called VisMine, that uses several innovative techniques: (1) hidden visual structure and relationships for uncluttering displays; (2) simultaneous visual presentations for high-dimensional knowledge discovery; and (3) a new visual interface to plug in existing graphic toolkits for expanding its use in a wide variety of visual applications. We have applied this infrastructure to three data mining visualization applications -- topic hierarchy for document navigation, web-based trouble shooting, and telecom switch mining.

10 Pages

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