@TechReport{ lai-dead-2005
  author = "Kevin Lai",
  title = {{Markets are Dead, Long Live Markets}},
  institution =  {HP Labs},
  address =      {{Palo Alto, CA, USA}},
  year = 	 {2005},
  number = 	 {arXiv:cs.OS/0502027},
  month = 	 feb,

@inproceedings{ feldman-acmec-2005,
  author = "Michal Feldman and Kevin Lai and Li Zhang",
  title = {{A Price-Anticipating Resource Allocation Mechanism for Distributed Shared Clusters}},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce}},
  year = 2005,
  month = jun,
  eprint = {arXiv:cs.DC/0502019},

  author = 	 {Kevin Lai and Lars Rasmusson and Eytan Adar and Stephen Sorkin and Li Zhang and Bernardo A. Huberman},
  title = 	 {{Tycoon: an Implemention of a Distributed Market-Based
Resource Allocation System}},
  institution =  {HP Labs},
  address =      {{Palo Alto, CA, USA}},
  year = 	 {2004},
  number = 	 {arXiv:cs.DC/0412038},
  month = 	 dec,

@inproceedings{ feldman-acmec-2004,
  author = "Michal Feldman and Kevin Lai and John Chuang and Ion Stoica",
  title = {{Robust Incentive Techniques for Peer-to-Peer Networks}},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce}},
  year = 2004,
  month = jun,

  author = 	 {Kevin Lai, Bernardo A. Huberman and Leslie Fine},
  title = 	 {{Tycoon: A Distributed Market-based Resource Allocation System}},
  institution =  {HP Labs},
  address =      {{Palo Alto, CA, USA}},
  year = 	 {2004},
  number = 	 {arXiv:cs.DC/0404013},
  month = 	 apr,