Qprof environment variables --------------------------- QPROF_REAL - Use real-time for profiling. QPROF_VIRTUAL - Use virtual (user mode) time for profiling. QPROF_INTERVAL - Microseconds or events between profiling ticks. Default 10,000 usecs or 10,000 events. QPROF_BUFFER_SIZE - Size of PC sample buffer in entries. Default 400K. QPROF_GRANULARITY - Set to "instruction", "line", or "function". Default is "function". QPROF_ADDR2LINE - Path of addr2line command. Default /usr/bin/addr2line. QPROF_NCOLS - Number of columns in qprof output. May need to be adjusted if long function names are common. QPROF_HW_EVENT - Can be set to the name of a hardware event counter to base profile sampling on that event. Currently this is functional only on Linux/Itanium, and only if perfmon/libpfm are installed. Requires that qprof be built with -DHW_EVENT_SUPPORT. Try "pfmon -l" to see a list of possible events. QPROF_FILE - Specifies the name of a file to be used for profiling output instead of stderr. QPROF_COLOR - Specifies an ECMA 48 character attribute that will be used for profiling output. This makes sense primarily when the output is being sent directly to a terminal. In this case it often allows profiling output to be displayed in a different color to distinguish it from other output. Possible values include: 31 red foreground 32 green foreground 34 blue foreground 43 yellow background The names "red", "green", "blue" are also recognized. An unrecognized value defaults to 34 (blue). QPROF_STACK - If set, include all PC values on the call stack when a sample is taken. Effectively this means that the resulting count associated with each function includes the time spent in its callees. For deep call stacks or slow stack unwinders, this may result in appreciable additional overhead or measurement errors. This works only if a link to libunwind was found in the source directory during the install process. Q_DIR - Directory for q_tools compatible profile information. If specified and QPROF_FILE is not set, the normal textual profile is suppressed. QPROF_LOOP_ON_ERROR - Cause the default error reporting routine to enter an infinite loop. May facilitate debugging; otherwise not recommended. LD_PRELOAD - Used to invoke profiling library.