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information theory seminar

TITLE:     Image Segmentation with Hidden Markov Model


SPEAKER:   Johan Lim, Stanford University


DATE:      2-3 P.M., Tuesday, January 28, 2003


LOCATION:  Sigma, 1L (PA)


HOST:      Vinay Deolalikar





Image segmentation (i.e., partitioning an input image into several homogeneous regions) is a crucial preliminary phase in many practical applications. Adopting the model with spatial interactions, several authors recently proposed simultaneous classification and segmentation procedures through which smooth boundaries were obtained. Among these models, the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is the most popular. Several important statistical issues, which have been often overlooked in practice, arise when segmenting an image using the HMM. We address these issues and discuss the insights they provide for more complex HMMs in other applications. In particular, a theory of estimation in general HMMs will be presented.

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