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Personalised Content Service

The Personalised Content Service (PCS) takes content and personalises it through user-supplied photos, text, etc., producing output in multiple formats for consumption on multiple platforms.  It adds value to existing media by creating, for example, video messages, memorabilia, e-cards and collectibles for personal entertainment, sharing, marketing, etc.
 pcs screenshot

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The prototype focusses on the production of 3D animated films that had been personalised by the consumer.  3D animation enables more compelling and diverse content than can be achieved with other means, e.g. 2D, Flash-based animation.  The largest challenge with 3D production is the rendering stage which produces the final, high-quality, textured and lit frames.  The Utility Rendering Service provides a cost-effective solution to that problem so the PCS leverages it to produce the personalised films.

The PCS is presented as a web-based application accessible over the Internet via a standard web browser.  Essentially, the user selects the 3D animation movie template they would like to personalize.  They are then invited to provide the appropriate number of photos, messages, etc. as required by the template and submits them to the service, specifying the output formats (a simplification of both encoding and resolution), e.g. high-resolution MPEG-4 for PC playback, 3GP for mobile phone, low-resolution H.264 for iPod, etc., that they require.  The cost to the consumer depends on the processing time needed to complete production, e.g. higher-resolution formats cost more than lower-resolution.  Our prototype template requires the consumer to provide a photo and a text message which are incorporated into the final film.  These inputs are processed during production to generate a film that uses them in ways only possible with full 3D rendering.

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