Errata for paper "Determining fault tolerance of XOR-based erasure codes efficiently" by Jay Wylie and Ram Swaminathan that appears in International Conference on Dependable Systems & Networks, June, 2007. Errors found on June 1, 2007: In Section 1, paragraph beginning "To completely understand...". If the smallest erasure pattern is of size 3, then the Hamming distance of the code is 3, and it may tolerate many erasure patterns of size 3 and larger. In Section 3.2, paragraph beginning "Figure 2 shows the systematic Tanner graph...". The erasure pattern (s1,s2,p2,p3) is duplicated in the output MEL. It should only be listed once. The MEV of (0,0,4,5) is correct. Errors found on July 24, 2007: Thanks to Dave Walker who recognized that the parity submatrices and minimal erasure vectors (MEV) listed in Table 3 for k=2 and m>2 were incorrect. An error in our implementation of the ME Algorithm lead to an incorrect measure of the MEV for all (k,m)-code corpi evaluated in Table 3 with m>k. We have posted a short report to correct these errors: