Joe Pato

Joe Pato
Systems Security Lab


Joe Pato is a Distinguished Technologist at HP Labs. He has previously served as Chief Technology Officer for Hewlett-Packard's Internet Security Solutions Division. Pato has been involved in security research and development since 1986, but still sees himself as a distributed systems researcher who views security as a tool to enable collaboration.

Pato is currently resident at MIT as a Visiting Fellow with the Decentralized Information Group investigating information accountability.

Pato's research in the Systems Security Lab focuses on creating a trustworthy information system environment in the face of challenges such as the growth of organized cybercrime and the rapid adoption of social networking tools and cloud-based services.

His past work includes the design of delegation protocols for secure distributed computation, key exchange protocols, inter-domain trust structures, the development of public and secret key based infrastructures, and the more general development of distributed enterprise environments. Pato is also a founder of the IT-ISAC (IT Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center), where he has served as a board member. Pato has participated on several IEEE, ANSI, NIST, Department of Commerce, W3C, FSTC, and COSE standards or advisory committees. In the past, Pato served as the co-chair for the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee, which developed SAML Security Assertions Markup Language from June 2001 until November 2002. SAML 1.0 was approved as an OASIS standard on November 1, 2002.

In recent years, he has been one of the instructors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology teaching the course Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier. Pato currently serves as chair of the National Research Council Computer Science and Telecommunications Board Committee Whither Biometrics studying the challenges facing widespread use of biometrics in security applications. He previously served as a key member of CSTB’s Committee that produced the Who Goes There? Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy report. Pato’s graduate work was in Computer Science at Brown University.

Selected Recent Publications


last updated: 1 October 2010

You can reach me at:


joe <dot> pato <at> hp <dot> com


(650) 857-2774 (voice-mail only)


By Arrangement


Hewlett Packard Labs
PO Box 507
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420

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