Jianqiang (Jay) Wang

Jianqiang (Jay) Wang, HP Labs
Palo Alto


Jay is a Research Scientist in the Services Research Lab, conducting cross-disciplinary research focusing on the interplay between statistics, economics, marketing and operations research. He received his PhD and MS in Statistics from Iowa State University and his BS in Management Science from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Before joining HP, he worked as a Visiting Assistant Professor in Colorado State University and postdoctoral fellow in the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS).


Research interests

  • Interplay between statistics, economics, marketing and operations research.
  • Asymptotic theory in survey statistics, estimation and forecasting based on survey data.
  • Semiparametric regression, functional data analysis.
  • Bayesian inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo.
  • Computer-Intensive Statistical Methods.


  • Student Travel Award for Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM) 2005, Survey Research Methods Section (SRMS), ASA
  • Oscar Kempthorne Award, 2004 - Achievement in Master’s level coursework
  • Guo Mo-ruo Scholarship (Summa Cum Laude), 2002 – the supreme honor of USTC
  • USTC Excellent Student Scholarship (Grade 1), 2000-2002 – honor for top one student


Jianqiang Wang and Jean Opsomer (2011), On the Asymptotic Normality of Nondifferentiable Survey Estimators, Biometrika 98: 91-106.
Jianqiang Wang and Mary Meyer (2011), Testing the Monotonicity or Convexity of a Function using Regression Splines, Canadian Journal of Statistics 39(1): 89-107.
Chihoon Lee and Jianqiang Wang (2011), Waiting Time Probabilities in the M/G/1+M Queue, Statistica Neerlandica 65(1): 72-83.
Jianqiang Wang, Sample Distribution Function based Goodness-of-fit Test for Complex Surveys, accepted by Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.
Jianqiang Wang, Scott Holan and Bal Nandram (2011), Estimating and Forecasting Corn Yield for USDA Agricultural Statistical Board using Bayesian Hierarchical Models, accepted by JABES.

Professional activities

Member, American Statistical Association (ASA), Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).
Referee, invited review for the Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Survey Methodology, Communications in Statistics, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Journal of Official Statistics (2), and USDA Forest Service internal document (120 pages).