Sustainability Innovation Workshop

October 20, 2008

8:00-8:30 Breakfast and Networking

8:30-8:40 Welcome and Introduction
(Chandrakant Patel, HP Fellow and Director) - Presentation

8:40-8:45 Framing and Explanation of Themes and Objectives
(Yuan Chen/Steve Cayzer)

8:45-9:45 Theme 1: Sustainability Hub
(Chair: Steve Cayzer)

  • Sustainability Hub Positioning (Steve Cayzer, HP Labs) - Presentation
  • Leveraging Variation and Uncertainty in Environmental Footprinting ( Randolph Kirchain, MIT) - Presentation
  • Data Models for Supply Chain Environmental Assessment (H. Scott Matthews, CMU) - Presentation
  • Assessing the Potential for Supply Chain Environmental Impact Reductions (Eric Masanet, LBNL) - Presentation

9:45-10:00 Break

10:00-11:20 Theme 2: Microgrid and Distributed Power
(Chair: Ratnesh Sharma)

  • HPL Framing on Needs and Challenges (Ratnesh Sharma, HP Labs) - Presentation
  • CERTS Microgrid Architecture (Robert Lasseter, UWISC) - Presentation
  • Optimizing Microgrid Selection and Operation for Data Center Sustainability (Chris Marnay, LBNL) - Presentation
  • EPRI Smart Grid R&D Overview (Angela Chuang, EPRI) - Presentation
  • Energy Efficiency in Digital Networks (Rich Brown, LBNL/EPA) - Presentation
11:20-11:30 Break

11:30-12:30 Theme 3: Knowledge Discovery
(Chair: Manish Marwah)

  • HPL Framing on Needs and Challenges (Manish Marwah, HP Labs) - Presentation
  • Intelligent Cooling Infrastructure: Smart Chillers: Technology and Sustainability (James Poole, Trane) - Presentation
  • Temporal Data Mining for Sustainable Data Centers ( Naren Ramakrishnan, Virginia Tech) - Presentation
  • Data Stream Mining and IT Sustainability (Philip Yu, UIC) - Presentation
  • Power, Performance and Reliability Management (Kishor Trivedi, Duke) - Presentation

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-13:45 Welcome and Introduction of New HP Labs
(Prith Banerjee, SVP Research, Director, HP Labs)

13:45-14:00 HP Research Innovation Program
(Sheri A Brodeur, Open Innovation Office, HP Labs) - Presentation

14:00-15:00 Theme 4: Modeling and Designing for Sustainability
(Chair: Amip Shah)

  • Modeling Sustainability in Business Ecosystems (Amip Shah, HP Labs) - Presentation
  • Enabling the Adoption of ICT for Sustainable Business Transformations (Alice Agogino, UC Berkeley) - Presentation
  • The Role of Product-Services Systems for Integrating Sustainability into R&D Decision-Making (Marcos Esterman, RIT; Sandra Rothenberg, RIT) - Presentation
  • Modeling Tools for Data Center Energy Performance and Sustainability (Van Carey, UC Berkeley) - Presentation

15:00-15:10 Break

15:10-16:10 Theme 5: Sustainable IT
(Chair: Brian J. Watson)

  • What is Sustainable IT and How do We Achieve it? (Brian J. Watson, HP Labs) - Presentation
  • Use Energy Less and Wisely (Kang Shin, Univ. of Michigan) - Presentation
  • Improving IT Sustainability through Automated System Management: A Data-Based Approach (Calton Pu, Georgia Tech) - Presentation
  • EDS Environmental Sustainability Perspective (Ed Kettler, HP)

16:10-16:15 Break

16:15-17:15 Break Out Sessions for All Themes

  • Sustainability Hub (Room): Acapulco
  • Microgrid and Distributed Power (Room): Anaheim
  • Knowledge Discovery (Room): Anchorage
  • Modeling and Designing for Sustainability (Room): Athens
  • Sustainable IT Conference (Room): Akita

17:15-17:40 All Break Out Sessions Report Back
(5 Minutes Each)

17:40-18:00 Wrap up and Close
(Chandrakant Patel, HP Fellow and Director)

18:00 Dinner and Networking

Visit the Sustainable IT Ecosystem Lab’s home page.

For more information on HP's work in this area, see Innovating for the Environment.

Open Innovation Office home page.