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Formatting Objects Authoring tool
corner Work with WH2FO files corner

FOA can open the XSLT files created by WH2FO (only from version 0.1.9 or greater). FOA will automatically open all the related files (XML content and XSL Attributes), giving users the opportunity to modify the style (Attributes) and/or the Bricks (translation elements). It will also be possible to import new Attribute files, generate one and import new XML content. In this way, WH2FO provides a kick start to generate content to author and provides a fast way to build libraries of styles ready to be used for all your projects.

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corner Limitations corner

The current FOA version does not support tables and table of content, so WH2FO transformed documents which contain tables and/or table of content are incompatible with FOA

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corner Interaction between FOA and WH2FO corner
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