2.1. How do I get my free Personal Calendar program?

	Enclosed with the documentation of many or all UNIX PC's was a
card which you could send in to receive a free copy of the Personal
Calendar program.  The machine is discontinued, so sending in the card
now won't accomplish anything, but that doesn't mean that you're out
of luck.  Many machines were shipped with the calendar program in
/etc/fixes.  Install it as follows (the name of the program is

	Append this to your /usr/lib/ua/Office file:

		Default = Open
		Open=EXEC -d /usr/bin/pcal -c
		Help=EXEC -d /usr/bin/uahelp -h /usr/lib/ua/ua.hlp -t Calendar

	Append this to your /usr/lib/ua/Preferences file:

		Default = Open
		Open=EXEC -d /usr/bin/pcal -p
		Help=EXEC -d /usr/bin/uahelp -h /usr/lib/ua/ua.hlp -t Calendar

	If you are using the pcal that is located in /etc/fixes:

		$ su
		# mv /etc/fixes/pcal /usr/bin
		# mv /etc/fixes/pcal.hlp /usr/lib/ua
		# chown bin /usr/bin/pcal /usr/lib/ua/pcal.hlp
		# chgrp bin /usr/bin/pcal /usr/lib/ua/pcal.hlp
		# chmod 755 /usr/bin/pcal 
		# chmod 644 /usr/lib/ua/pcal.hlp

Parent document is top of "comp.sys.3b1 FAQ part1"
Previous document is "2.0. Software"
Next document is "2.2. What is "THE STORE!" and how can I access it?"