2.8. What commercial software was available for the UNIX PC?

	What follows is a list Steve Urich (beyo@beyonet.UUCP) typed
in from an old TRC catalog listing UNIX PC commercial software.  At
the end of this list are a few more products seen by other folks on


Model		Description
AT&T650002	GSS Terminal. Access to host graphics; Tektronix 4014 EGM
AT&T650005	3270+ Emulator. For SNA networks through dial-up or dedicated
AT&T650007	AT&T Electronic Mail. menu driven with lots of options for
		sending notes & files
AT&T650008	TCP/IP Ethernet, includes ICMP, UDP, NVT, PTP, SMPT, TFTP &
		remote cmnds
AT&T650101	Voice Mail Software. Send and receive text and vioce mail
AT&T650S01	UNIX PC Network. Starlan messaging, file transfer and e-mail
AT&T650S02	UNIX PC Server. Starlan file server for MS-DOS networks.
AT&T651002	GSS Drivers+ VDI based software for printers
AT&T651003	UNIX System V Release 3.51 
AT&T651004	GSS Toolkit. Graphics programming including metafile, plotting
		& windows.
AT&T651005	GSS Metafile Interpreter. Library of functions for VDM standard
AT&T651006	GSS GKS. C tool implements the GKS standard
AT&T651007	GSS Plotting System. Chart building capabilities.
AT&T651008	GSS Window Manager for C language windowing.
AT&T651010	Informix C-ISAM. Tool for ISAM without a full RDBMS.
AT&T651018	Development Tools. Commercial and scientific ISAM sort/merge
AT&T651021	UNIX Utilities 3.51.
AT&T651201	MS Basic. Basic with over 120 commands from Microsoft.
AT&T651202	SMC Basic. Business Basic III compatability.
AT&T651203	SMC Run Time. Executable only; non-development version.
AT&T651204	RM Cobol. 1974 ANSI standard; certified by GSA.
AT&T651205	RM Cobol Run Time. Executable only; non-development version.
AT&T651209	LPI Fortran. Fortran 77 meeting ANSI X3.9-1978
AT&T651210	LPI Pascal. ANSI/IEEE standard supported by LPI Debug.
AT&T651211	LPI C Full implementation with LPI's modular component 
AT&T651216	LPI Debug. Interactive source level debugger works with all
		LPI products.
AT&T651219	RM Fortran. High preformance implementation of F77 and ANSI
AT&T651221	Animator. Integrated with MF Level II Cobol.
AT&T651223	Cobol LVL II. ANSI-74, ISAM tools, source compatible with 
		compact Cobol II
AT&T651224	Forms II. Visual programming tool for screen based forms
AT&T651226	Cobol LVL II Run Time. Executable only; non-development version
AT&T651227	SVS Fortran. ANSI-77 including Symbolic Debugger.
AT&T651229	SVS Pascal. Combines ISO and UCSD standards
AT&T651232	AT&T BASIC Interpreter. Standard Basic with many extensions
AT&T651233	AT&T BASIC Compiler. Full implementation of ANSI X3.60-78 with
AT&T651237	UNIFY. Multi-user RDBMS.
AT&T651702	dBASE III. Ashton-Tate and AT&T
AT&T651706	QUICKCODE III. Automate dBASE III programming.
AT&T651707	dUTIL. Toolkit for dBASE III programmers.
AT&T651713	FILE-IT. Easy to use personal DBMS which builds informix files
		thru menus.
AT&T651713	INFORMIX. The most flexible true relational multi-user
		programming language.
AT&T651714	INFORMIX Run Time. Executable versions of Informix programs.
AT&T651715	SMART DBMS. Powerful relational database integrated with the
		Smart package.
AT&T651L60	BASIC ORACLE. Fully compatible with IBM's SQL/DS and DB2
AT&T651L61	TURBO ORACLE. ANSI Standard SQL; C language precompiler.
AT&T652004	Multiplan. Microsoft's spreadsheet solution.
AT&T652009	GSS CHART. Interactive standalone package for mainframe quality
AT&T652010	GSS Sound Pres. Fully featured interactive graphics on a wide
		variety of devices.
AT&T652016	AT&T SUPERCOMP 20. The multiuser standard of spreadsheets.
AT&T652017	BUSINESS GRAPHICS. Turn your 20/20 data into charts.
		(Requires Supercomp 20).
AT&T652022	PAINT POWER. Sophisticated but easy to use drawing package.
AT&T652026	SMART SFTWR SYS. Database-Spreadsheet-Wordprocessor.
AT&T652029	TEAM POWER. Office work groups for 2 to 5 users sharing all
AT&T652202	MS WORD. Microsoft's professional word processor for UNIX.
AT&T652204	AT&T Word Processor. Easy to use word processor.
AT&T652208	Crystalwriter. Powerful word processing with English language
AT&T652209	Wordstar 2000. MicroPro's best selling word processor.
AT&T652210	SMART WORD PROCESSOR. Professional word processor which works
		with Smart.
AT&T653001	BUSINESS ACCTING. Complete business accounting system.
AT&T653002	OC/INV. Complete package for managing incoming orders and 
		product control.
AT&T653003	PAYROLL. Complete payroll and personnel management.
AT&T653004	A/P. Comprehensive control system-can be integrated with G/L.
AT&T653005	A/R. Maintains customer profiles and accounts-can be integrated
		with G/L.
AT&T653006	GENERAL LEDGER. Fully automated package for maintaining
		business records.

AT&T??????	Wordmarc Composer.  Word processing package.
AT&T??????	Pegasys.  Computer-aided design.
AT&T??????	Image Director
AT&T??????	Samna.  Word processor.
AT&T??????	Q-Office.  Office integration
AT&T??????	User Agent Design Tool.

Parent document is top of "comp.sys.3b1 FAQ part1"
Previous document is "2.7. Are there any other utilities for fiddling with MS-DOS floppies?"
Next document is "2.0. Software Development"